FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center publishes an annual report (latest one currently publishes for 2022 data as of the time of this blog post) show casing a statistical view of the Internet Crime rate in the United States. In 2022, FBI received 800,944 complaints, a 5% decrease from 2021. However, the potential loss grew from $6.9 billion in 2021 to $10.2 billion in 2022. This means that while the number of ransomware (reported) incidents have decreased, what was taken has grown. Below are some of the statistics that we found to be useful for our clients:
The overall numbers
Data provided by FBI IC3 Report
Complaint count, and losses, over the past 5 years
Data provided by FBI IC3 Report
Top 5 Crime Type Comparison
Data provided by FBI IC3 Report
Victims by Age Group
Data provided by FBI IC3 Report
Crime Victims Count by State
Data provided by FBI IC3 Report
Top 10 States by Victim Loss (in Millions)
Crime Types by Victim Loss
It is important to note that the statistics above are approximate as not all crimes are reported to FBI and numbers are likely higher than is shown. Although cyber criminals use a variety of techniques to infect victims with ransomware, phishing emails,
Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) exploitation, and exploitation of software vulnerabilities remained the top initial infection vectors.
We can help
We realize that this data brings a number of uncertainties for any business in terms of protecting your IP and data. In our experience working with various clients of ours in California, Nevada, Arizona, and Texas helping them protect their data we have gained a significant insight into the process of protecting your digital assets.
Feel free to reach out to us if you would like more information and we are happy to help engage with you. Our scope can be tailor-made to your needs from fully managing the dealership's IT and Information Security, to augmenting your current staff and helping them become successful while staying safe.